Site Terms and Conditions of Use

The terms and conditions describe how to use the site, which is useful for donors, fundraisers, volunteers and partner organizations and what we ask of those who use it.

The key points relating to the operation of the site contained in this document are:

  • Online Donations – This site facilitates the collection of online donations on behalf of partner organizations using online payment processors with whom they already contract. As this site uses the organization's payment processor, for any payment issues (confirmation, return) you must contact the organization you donated to. On each page of the organization you will find at the top a contact link containing the organization's data.
  • The protection of your data is very important to us. Detailed information about our security policy and your rights regarding the processing of personal data is available AICI.
  • Create a fundraising page on your site – You can organize a fundraiser using one of the fundraising microsites on this site. Links are available on the front page of the site, or you can contact one of the beneficiary causes on this site that you would like to support and who may be able to assist you.

General framework. Property rights

This site and all related services are owned and managed by the Site Administrator. These terms and conditions define how you can use this site and related services. Please read this document carefully. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you must assume that you will not be able to access and use this site and its related services.

These terms and conditions may undergo changes during the period of operation of the site, depending on the changes in its operation, the applicable legislation or for any other reason considered by us to be generating changes. It remains your responsibility to access and verify this document at the time you access this site. The latest version of this document will define how to use the site from the date of publication until the next change.

The entire content of this website is protected by Law no. 8/1996 regarding copyright and related rights (hereinafter, the Copyright Law), all rights being reserved.

Non-governmental organizations, causes and projects presented on the portal

Using this site and related services you will be able to donate or organize fundraising campaigns for one or more of the partner organizations and causes. Each partner organization has concluded a Partnership Agreement or Contract with the Site Administrator that defines the terms and conditions under which the site assists the organization in its fundraising efforts.

Responsibility for the accuracy of information about the organization, projects and fundraising pages belongs to the partner organization. It must have all the necessary approvals and authorizations to carry out its activity according to the legislation in force, as well as the consent of the organizers of the voluntary fund-raising campaign and of the donors for the processing of personal data and information about them submitted for publication on this site.

Online donations

Donations received through this site and related services are made in the online card payment system, through the payment processor that has concluded a contract in this regard with the partner organization. Payments are secured, according to international data security and confidentiality protocols. Processing of card data is done from a secure page of the payment processor. The terms and conditions of using the respective payment processing system can be found on the respective website. The association does not assume responsibility for the transactions made through the payment processor of the partner organizations. Donations are subject to a separate contract concluded between the organizations and the payment processor.

Use of donations

The site administrator will make a preliminary selection of the organizations and will allow the registration on this site only of those organizations that comply with the minimum conditions imposed by us.

The site administrator cannot be held responsible for how organizations choose to spend the money donated through this site and related services.

The administrator of the site can order the removal of an organization from the project, in case of identification by us or reporting by donors or organizers of voluntary fund-raising of some abuses in this sense.

After making a donation, any request for its reimbursement will be addressed only to the beneficiary organization and is strictly related to the relationship between the organization and the donor. The site administrator cannot refund any donations, considering that they will be directed directly to the beneficiary organizations.

Support of the site and the services offered or the commissions related to payments by donors

This site may implement different support methods depending on the specifics of the services offered. They will be present in the donation forms on the website or related services developed, will be optional and will be presented clearly and transparently:

Optional support of the site and the services offered by directing an amount from the donation made by the donor. The amount is between 0 and 5% of the donated amount, with the possibility of selecting zero. The donations received will be used by the Site Administrator for the maintenance and development of the site, as well as for related activities aimed at developing the fundraising culture in Romania, activities such as, but not limited to:

  • the organization of seminars and conferences dedicated to fundraising;
  • organization of courses for organizations;
  • carrying out campaigns to promote civic spirit by assuming the role of supporters.

Optional support by the donor of the commissions related to the payment made

The value of the commissions will be added to the amount initially selected for the donation, so that it reaches the supported organization in full.

Using debit or credit cards without permission

When a donation is made through this site and related services, it creates a transaction on your card that is final and non-disputable, unless the unauthorized use of a debit or credit card by someone other than the card holder is demonstrated. justice. In this case, where your credit or debit card has been used without authorization, or if it has been stolen or lost, you must notify your issuing bank and follow its procedure for this scenario.


This site and the related services will contain links to the sites of the partner organizations, of their projects, as well as other links that the latter consider relevant in the description of the projects and other elements of the page under their management.

The inclusion of links to other sites does not imply the support by the Site Administrator of the content and opinions present on those sites.

Modifying this website

The administrator of the site makes continuous efforts to make it possible to use it without interruption, but reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any module of it and related services without prior notice or announcement if this is considered necessary , without being obliged to provide any justification for this fact and without thereby giving rise to the possibility of owing compensation to any organization, donor or any party that proves an interest or not for any damages, inconveniences or unrealized benefits caused by the non-operation . Except for cases where it is expressly mentioned in another sense, all new functionalities introduced in the site and related services will be carried out under the same terms and conditions of this document.

Violation of terms and conditions

If you violate any of the terms and conditions of this document, the Site Administrator reserves the right to suspend temporarily or permanently, without any prior notice, your access to one or all modules associated with the site and services related.

Waiver of Services

You can stop using this website and related services at any time. These terms and conditions will continue to apply to all uses of the site prior to termination of service.

Applicable Law and Regulations

Users' access and their use of this site and related services are governed by Romanian legislation in force.

Any complaint or dispute determined or related to the use/functioning of this site, its content and the materials presented will also be governed by the Romanian legislation in force and submitted for resolution to the competent courts on the territory of Romania, in the event that their resolution is not possible amicably.


For any information related to the operation of this site and related services, as well as for any notifications, complaints, requests you may have in relation to this, you can contact us at the email address or to the contact details available on the website AICI.