About us

Who are we today?

Green Cats is an organization founded in 2020, dedicated to animal protection, and it is the only association in Cluj-Napoca that focuses exclusively on cat protection. Throughout the year, we provide free or low-cost spaying and neutering services in Cluj-Napoca, Florești, Aiton, and Turda – through our partner clinics – because we understand that the only way to prevent abandonment and decrease the number of stray cats is through spaying and neutering.

We constantly care for 40-60 cats and are involved in taking on severe cases, whether it's an adult cat, a kitten, or a senior. For situations where we cannot take in the cat, we offer financial support for the necessary medical interventions.

We are not a shelter and do not support such facilities, understanding that a good life for a cat is not in a cage or alongside dozens of others, but in a home with loving and empathetic people where they are considered family members.Therefore, this intake-adoption process is carried out with the involvement of dedicated fosters, without whose help we would not be able to fulfill our mission. 

However, we have a rented space for cats that need a rehabilitation period or a treatment plan proposed by veterinarians, where they wait for their foster homes. We are committed to providing the cats in our care with a quality space, where we can show them the love they deserve through respect, care, attention, and cleanliness. 

Mission and Vision

We believe that education is the foundation for the better future we envision for our community. That's why we consistently organize and participate in awareness activities on topics relevant to felines, such as abandonment or debunking myths about sterilization, food, behavior, and general cat care. 

Întreaga activitate a ONG-ului nostru se datorează voluntariatului și implicării sociale. Susținerea financiară prin intermediul căreia reușim să ajutăm cât mai multe cazuri, vine în principal din donațiile individuale ale susținătorilor noștri, dar și din redirecționarea impozitului pe venit sau diverse sponsorizări venite din partea mediului de afaceri. 

În viitor, ne dorim să realizăm cu pași mici, dar siguri, demersuri spre mult visatul Orășel al Pisicilor Green Cats – un loc unde spațiile de carantinare sunt ceva normal, unde fiecare pisicuță își așteaptă lipsită de nevoi căsuța permanentă, un loc dotat cu aparatură medicală și personal calificat care să poată îngriji orice torcăcios aflat la ananghie indiferent de oră. Pentru a transforma acest vis în realitate, avem nevoie de implicarea ta. 

„Împreună facem lumea un loc mai bun, pisică cu pisică!”

Echipa noastră

Coordinating members

Echipa noastră este formată din oameni cu talente și interese diverse, care colaborează armonios pentru a atinge scopul comun de a sprijini pisicile.

Ana-Maria <span style="font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; brings a deep understanding of each cat's specific needs and efficiently manages daily operations. With experience as a veterinary assistant and rescue since 2013, she has an affinity for the management and proper care of kittens. She currently has a recent focus on operational management, with Ana-Maria ensuring the smooth running of activities, from social and medical communication to finance, strategic partnerships and sourcing all things cat. She has a weakness for sick abandoned kittens and cases of feline infectious peritonitis.

Adrian is our expert in animal care and rescue in the field. As a veterinary technician with years of experience and a native artistic talent, Adi also supports us in graphic design, in addition to ensuring the good functionality of the space at the Cat House, rescuing cats from the field, administering treatments atunci când este necesar și transportul de zi cu zi către cabinetele veterinare sau alte activități de teren. Slăbiciunea lui sunt pisicile agresive cu patologii grave. 

Oana helps us with her expertise in the field of partnerships and organizing events, but also with the secretarial part, her sociable and warm nature being a solid asset in communication with community members. With a solid education in economics and a master's degree in sustainable development, Oana is the ideal person to coordinate relations with our partners. She handles both medical and commercial collaborations and is responsible for organizing charity events. Oana's weakness is the old cats that she fights to get into her care. 

Diana contribuie prin competențe remarcabile de organizare și planificare. Fiind programator la bază și având  experiență în dezvoltare software și management de proiect din 2016, Diana contribuie cu gândirea sa structurată și are capacitatea de a identifica acțiunile necesare pentru a duce fiecare acțiune la bun sfârșit într-un mod profesional. Abilitățile ei sunt esențiale, organizând voluntarii, familiile temporare ale pisicilor, intermediind adopțiile și proiectele în desfășurare. Slăbiciunea ei sunt pisicile comune, simple, adulte care nu au șanse mari de adopție. 

 Together, we form a dedicated and efficient team committed to promoting the welfare and prosperity of Green Cats.

Green Volunteers

We consider diversity to be our strength. The team of volunteers includes students, corporates, lawyers or even doctors. 

Green volunteers, each with their own story and profession, are united by respect for living beings, the desire to change things for the better and love of cats. They are people who show courage, integrity and a sense of responsibility, who understand that change starts with the person himself.

Despite their busy schedule and daily responsibilities, our volunteers find time to contribute to a cause greater than themselves. They are living proof that regardless of professional background, age or gender, each of us can make a difference. Together, we work not only to protect and improve the lives of street cats, but also to promote a lifestyle with less suffering in our community through all the work we do with so much soul every day.

Green Cats este mai mult decât o asociație; este o rețea de susținere și un grup de prieteni dedicați. Suntem determinați să educăm societatea la nivel național în legătură cu bunăstarea pisiclor și sterilizarea lor, acestea fiind singurele lucruri cu impact pozitiv în reducerea abandonului pe termen mediu și lung.

We are proud of our team of atypical volunteers and we are grateful to them for everything what we do together to keep our future and that of our furry friends green.